The communications office at Stockholm University just released a movie about my new book Nonideal Social Ontology: The Power View. The movie is also featured on New Work in Philosophy's Youtube Channel.
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The workshop on Legal Ontology at the University College Cork, Ireland answered this question, and posed some new one questions. It seems to me that law is the, or at least, a paradigmatic social phenomenon (given legal positivism) and that continued collaboration between legal philosophers and social ontologists would be interesting and helpful!

Updated: Apr 14, 2023
I just received the news that the anthology on Amie Thomasson philosophical work (philosopher in depth series) will come out in July. My contribution is about Thomasson's social ontology and more specifically I aim to show that there is a general and fruitful theory of social ontology implicit in her prolific philosophical work. Let's hope that her new book will be on social ontology!

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